Tuesday, May 31, 2011

PART A - Brainstorm Session for Group Leadership Project

  Overall, our first group meeting was a success! Before the meeting, each of us previewed the online tool Vyew and thought that it would be good to tool to try. We set a time and date, and a group member set-up a “room” for us to use. Using the link to the Vyew room was very easy.  While in the room, we utilized the video conferencing tool, although some of us (cough, me, cough cough) had issues and resorted to using the chat function. My issues with the chat function are noted in my previous post. One of the great benefits is that you can download the chat. I also turned the chat into a google doc so that it would be accessible that way as well. I would also note here that the video display for the web conferencing was very small. In some ways this is good because it keeps the focus on the project in front of you, but I can see it coming in handy where you could opt to enlarge one person’s feed to see something in particular.

   We also used the sticky note functions, drawing tools, and uploaded a document. There was no embedded tool to record the session. Two group members volunteered to record the session using Jing, but were only able to record in “chunks” , which they later had issues turning into one continuous clip. That being said, and to summarize my thoughts from earlier: This tool would be great for group document mock-up, but I am not sure that it the best brainstorming tool, and if it’s documentation you’re looking for, I would use another tool with something already included in the program. The difficulties of piecing the Jing together is an issue that I would like to discuss further, since it was our initial thought to use Jing to record the individual ‘chapters’ of our tutorial and then piece them together.
   So that you don't have to suffer through watching the sections or reading the chat here is the summary. We decided to teach the Google "office-cloud" applications through a series of tutorials recorded in Jing and then pieced together. We then set a date and time for our next meeting to collaborate for the storyboard portion.
I am looking forward to the further developments of this project. 

***UPDATE****6/4 We have been able to get chunks of our video is a transferable mode! YAY! Please find the link below, although be aware that given our difficulities there is not much audio after the beginning part. 
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3 
Part 4 
Part 5 

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