Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Creative Commons Post

Berlin Wall
Photo Attribution:
Title: "Berlin Wall"
Image URL: http://www.flickr.com/photos/volubis/5319992750/in/photostream/
Author: SFview
Released under an Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike License found here

I randomly chose this image, but now that I think about it again, it's rather appropriate. Digital media and the internet are breaking down barriers to knowledge and information sharing all over the place and we are no longer able to say that we are going to 'block out' ideas, images, etc. As a social studies teacher, I rely heavily on images (photos or otherwise) to help my student connect with the content and engage with content that would be awfully dry with out imagery. I am very excited to finally have an understanding of Creative Commons and Fair Use policy so that I can no longer feel guilty about my power point presentations, and I can give my students a viable (and easy!) means of being good digital citizens. Below, a pic from when I went to New Mexico in December of 2009. A few more on the picassa page here

1 comment:

  1. I agree, images do a wonderful job of bringing Great image! I couldn't see the rest of the album, though. Could you place a link to it - I really would like to see the type of license you assigned to this image, as I can see one of my students using it during our poetry unit=8-)
